Today is May 22nd, which means it's Pizza Day for the Bitcoin/Crypto community!
On May 22nd 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz bought two Pizzas for 10,000 BTC, which was worth around €33.00 back in 2010. This payment now acts as a milestone for the digital currency, and is acknowledge to be one of the first purchases of a product with Bitcoin.
In case you are new to Bitcoin, here is a quick guide to get you up to speed:

As of today, and for the 11th birthday of Pizza Day, 1 Bitcoin is worth around €30,000, which means Laszlo bought two Papa John's Pizzas, for €300 Millions if it happened today. Just wow.

How much was Bitcoin that day?
Have a look at our blogpost from last year, when we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Pizza Day with this jaw-dropping infographic:

Refer a friend, get a Pizza... Sort of!
Fancy a Pizza yourself today? Well we can help! Successfully refer a new user to bitFlyer and treat yourself with the 10€ reward!