Today we present you our new home screen of the bitFlyer App for iOS and Android.
Lisk (LSK) is a blockchain-based, decentralised computational platform. It was founded in early 2016, by Max Kordek and Oliver Beddows. As a fork of Crypti—a JavaScript-based platform for dApps—Lisk’s primary vision is to broaden the accessibility of blockchain technology.
Despite introducing new possibilities for the world of finance and technology, Bitcoin’s core came with significant usability and scalability shortcomings. Commonly known as the first successful altcoin, Litecoin (LTC) was created in 2011 as an alternative solution to these problems.
As a global cryptocurrency exchange that has offices, among others, in San Francisco and Tokyo, this time we decided to dive deep into the current state of investing and cryptocurrencies in the US and Japan, and explore the differences between these two big and interesting markets.
Today, we are launching a new “Recurring Buy” feature, which means our users can now purchase crypto automatically with as little as 10 EUR by a simple set up. You can use it from our mobile app "bitFlyer wallet", available on both iOS and Android.